You can now purchase a copy of my book!....

Hey everyone well my book is finally done with editing and guess what you can now purchase a copy of you own!....

If you would like to purchase a copy of my book Decode The Secret then please go to and type in the name of my book in the search bar....I would post the link on here but for some reason it will not let me.... :(

Oh and there is a contest going on right now for someone to get a chance to win a personalized autograph copy of the book!....

So check out the rest of my blog posts for more information!....

And thanks again for every one who does purchase the book because I am self publishing it right now and I evenchually would like t take it to a publishing company and all the sales and reviews are going to be sent with a copy of my book to different publishers....

So thank you so much again!....

Until Next Time....

The Twitter Accounts of the Twilight Cast that I know are REAL!

Okay so there are hundreds and hundreds of people posing as not only the Twilight cast but other celebrities....And it is really annoying me with the fact that it is hurting the fans when someone pretends to be a celebrity....

So what I have done is gone on to my Twitter account (@stephay87) and I am following some of the Twilight cast that I know are real....Either they are a varified account or the said that they have one from the Twilight Fantasy Tour that I went to in December 5, 2009....

So lets get started shall we!....

Tyson Houseman (Quail) has officially joined Twitter @TysonHouseman is his REAL Twitter account!
Okay its official Kellan Lutz (Emmit Cullen) has joined Twitter to promote charity work! @kellanlutz is his REAL Twitter account and is verified via @TwiExaminer

Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen)- @AshleyMGreene is her REAL Twitter account and she is verified by the site!

Tinsel Korey (Emily)- @tinselkorey is her REAL Twitter account she said it at the convention!
Chaske Spencer (Sam Uley)- @THEREALCHASKE is his REAL Twitter account he said it at the convention as well as I got a post-card type thing from him when I donated to United Global Shift ( )

Christina Sorratos (Angela)- @csorratos is her REAL Twitter account because it is verified by the site!

Anna Kendrick (Jessica)- @AnnaKendrick47 is her REAL Twitter account because it is verified by the site!

Billy Bruke (Charlie Swan)- @billy_bruke is his REAL Twitter account because it is verified by the site!
Edi Gathegi (Loraunt)- @iamedigathegi is his REAL Twitter account because he talks with Christina Sorratos and Rachelle Lefevre on Twitter and they acknowledge that he is in fact the REAL Edi!

Peter Facinelli (Dr. Cullen)- @peterfacinelli is his REAL Twitter account because he is verified by the site and has stated that he has a Twitter account!

Daniel Cudmore (Felix)- @danielcudmore is his REAL Twitter account because he said so at the convention!

Justin Chon (Eric)- @justinchon is his REAL Twitter account because he said so at the convention!

Gil Birmingham (Billy Black)- @gilbirmingham is his REAL Twitter account because it is verified by the site and he said so at the convention!

Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria)- @RachelleLefevre is her REAL Twitter account because she had stated it in an interview as well as Extra TV has stated it!
Alex Meraz (Paul)- @TheAlexMeraz is his REAL Twitter account because it is verified by the site!
Jodelle Ferland (Bree)- @jodellmicah is her REAL Twitter account because it is verified by the site!

Booboo Stewart (Seth Clearwater)- @mammarazzi1 is his REAL Twitter account via @TwiExaminer who has met the cast!
Kiowa Gordon (Embry Call)- @CircaKiGordon is his REAL Twitter account via @TwiExaminer who has met the cast!

Cameron Bright (Alec)- @cameronbright is his REAL Twitter account via @TwiExaminer who has met the cast!
Charlie Bewley (Demetri)- @alchemission is his REAL Twitter account via @TwiExaminer who has met the cast! *Update* - Twitter Verified his account! :)
Michael Sheen (Aro)- @michaelsheen is his REAL Twitter account via @TwiExaminer who has met the cast!
Jamie Campbell Bower (Caius)- @Jamiebower is his REAL Twitter account via @TwiExaminer who has met the cast!

Those are the accounts that I know are REAL!....I do not know if any of the other cast members are real or not....So people please don't be fooled by posers....They are just people that have nothing to do with themselves but to pretend to be someone else that they are not!....If you have any doubts about these just talk to @TwiExaminer because she has met the cast and knows who is real and who is not....

I hope that this blog helps out all you fellow Twi-Hards!....And if anyone else knows some of the other cast members REAL Twitter account then please feel free to leave a comment!....

Oh and as far as I know Kristan Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner DO NOT HAVE A TWITTER ACCOUNT and as far as I know THEY ARE NOT PLANNING ON GETTING ONE!....

¸.·´¸.·¨) ¸.·¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`♥
Until Next Time....

Hackers are really starting to piss me off!

Okay so there are a few things that have been making me mad lately....

1. Posers! and
2. Hackers!

It is really starting to get annoying!....So today Gil Birmingham who plays Billy Black from the Twilight Saga posted this via his Twitter account and then tried to post it on his Facebook account which recently got hacked....
People really need to GET A LIFE! They need to STOP HACKING/POSING AS CELEBRITIES ON TWITTER/FACEBOOK/MYSPACE WHATEVER IT IS THAT THEY USE! Its a good way to get the celebrities to STOP using them!....

Not to mention the fact that all the fans that really appreciate the fact that they are taking sometime out of their busy schedules to talk/respond or update to their fans!....

Look people I understand that some people want to have their 15 min of fame and all that crap but its not fair for you to pretend to be someone that you are NOT!....Because you could be talking to someone that really thinks that you are the person that you are portraying to be and in the end when that poor fan finds out that you are a FAKE it will crush them!....Believe me it has happened to me and just like the celebrities we all HATE IT! SO STOP!!!!.....

And another thing STOP FOLLOWING/CHASING THEM TOO! They are human just like you and me and they deserve to have their privacy and the right to have a Twitter/Facebook/Myspace if they choose too without there being FAKES and without GETTING HACKED!!!!.....

So this tweet is for all the LOW-LIFES that have nothing better to do with their lives then to sit in front of their computer and PRETEND/HACK a celebrities account!....

I'm sorry for the mean post but its true they need to stop!....And sorry for the small gap on the picture of Gil Birmingham's twitter account he had tweeted more stuff and i had to scroll down but it is there on his account....

Until Next Time....

Avatar Makeup....

So I was really bored today and I decided that I was going to be Neytiri from Avatar for Halloween....Yeah I know its like 8 months away....But for a good costume you need to start planning early....

So I looked at a picture of Neytiri and I just went with it....And here is the result of may Avatar make over....

All you need is any type of dark and light blue eyeshadow, a white eyeshadow and a blue eyeliner or lip liner....It is really just what looks good I don't really know how to describe how to do it....Sorry....

Any questions on this look just leave me a comment on here and I will do my best to answer your questions....

Until Next Time....