My favorite time of year is just around the corner!

Wow it has been a while since I have written anything on here. Time has just been flying by really fast and I have been so so busy with school, that there hasn't been enough time to write anything. I have been counting down the days until I graduate and I have 44 more days left! So excited! I am mostly excited because my favorite time of the year is coming up again!

Christmas is just around the corner and I absolutely love it. Though I have to admit that Christmas here in Florida is completely different from Christmas in Massachusetts.

This is the difference between the two:

Christmas in Massachusetts looks like this! :D

Christmas in Florida looks like this... :/

That to me is a big big difference....Don't you agree? There are five things that I miss the most about having Christmas in Massachusetts.
  1. I miss the SNOW!
  2. I miss waking up freezing cold and wishing that I could just stay in my nice warm bed just a little bit longer.
  3. I miss having snow ball fights! :)
  4. I miss walking around in the cool crisp nights.
  5. Cuddling up with someone you love while watching all the old Christmas shows/movies together as the tree is lit and the fire place (if you have one) is going.
I miss all of those and having Christmas here in Florida is just not the same. To me it just feels like another day. But next year I will be back in Massachusetts and I will finally have that kind of a Christmas again! :D

Hope everyone has a Great Thanksgiving, a Very Merry Christmas (or whatever it is that you celebrate) and a Happy New Year!

Until Next Time....