Welcome To 2010!

So we are officially in a New Year....Its 2010 and I'm sure that a lot of people have made New Years resolutions and I too have made one....My resolution is to not hold anything in this year....I need to start being honest with myself no matter how hard it may be....It starts with me....

So I have been searching the internet to find what most people have chosen to do for their New Years resolution....Here are the top 10 that I have found to be ones that people have chosen....

10. Spend more time with your family and friends....
9. Get organized....
8. Quit smoking or drinking (possibly both)....
7. Help others in need....

6. Reduce Stress....

5. Save money....

4. Manage debt....

3. Get/find a better job....

2. Enjoy life more....

1. Loose weight....

People make New Year resolutions so that they can start their New Year off better....But in reality most people don't stick to their resolutions....

So I say to you that if you decide to do a New Years resolution you should choose something that you know you will not break....Because people like me who set a resolution and have a hard time keeping them rarely keep them....

So tell the people you love that you love them this year even if they already know that you do....Its still nice to hear it once in a while....

I wish all of you a very Happy New Year! May 2010 bring all of you everything that you deserve to have!

Until next time....