So I decided to create a website on about an organization/foundation that I want to start to help out women and children that have been affected because of abuse.
Being a victim of all aspects of abuse, physical, mental and sexual as a child I know first hand the struggles and the sacrifice that one goes through.
My father was convicted of child molestation and child abuse when I was around 5 or 7 years old. My mother could not afford an attorney so she was divorced the day that he was convicted. The whole time that he was in prison my mother, brother and I struggled to stay afloat. From moving place to place to not knowing if the lights were going to get shut off because we needed food in the house.
My mother had to work long hours and miss many holidays with us just so that she could keep a roof over our heads as well as food on the table. If it was not for my family and friends I don’t know where I would be right now.
Things are still hard for us now, even though it was so many years ago it is still there in the back of our minds. Now I’m faced with my mother having to move 1500 miles away just so that she can find a job so that she can keep on helping me get through school. (This economy does not help anything either.) But even though that my family is being up-rooted again she will always be there for me and that is what I want this organization and/or foundation to do. I want it to be the support system that those people so desperately need. It may not be easy but no one said that it was going to be in the first place either. We just need to keep pushing forward with our lives and I know that Speak. Be Heard can help with that.
Cause: For women and children who are victims of abuse, whether it’s physical, mental or sexual. No one gets turned away.
Goal: 1. To raise money for scholarships to go to the children who are victims, so that they can get a better education.
2. To raise money for the single parents that are struggling because of their situation.
3. To create a workshop and support system for both women and children, so that they can express themselves and not let it bottle up inside of them.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to create an environment that cannot only help those people out mentally but financially as well. To give them the support that they need where they may not have it. Just because they are the victims of abuse does not mean that they have to live their life in fear, feeling hopeless or having self-hate, because it is not their fault and they are worthy of LOVE and SUPPORT!
Please visit the website at: become a member and help spread the word. Every little bit counts.
Until Next Time....