NOH8's 1 Year Anniversary <3

Today is NOH8's 1 year anniversary! So happy for them! Congrats you guys!

NOH8 is a campaign that is for equal marriage rights for anyone to be able to marry anyone that your hear desires....You could be Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Purple and Blue....It does not matter....EVERYONE
should be able to be with the person that they are meant to be with!....

On Election Day, November 4, 2008 we got our new president and that was a big turning point for us....But also on that day Proposition 8 passed which amended the state Constitution to ban Same-Sex Marriage....

"The NOH8 Campaign is a photo project and a silent protest created by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska and his partner Jeff Parshley in direct response to the passage of Proposition 8....The campaign started with portraits of everyday Californians who supported Marriage Equality and soon rose to Celebrities, Military Personnel, Brothers and Sisters, Law Enforcement, Lesbian Mothers, Directors, Politicians, Newly Weds, and more....Photos feature subjects with duct tape over their mouths symbolizing their voices not being heard and NOH8 painted on one cheek in protest"....(

I feel that the
NOH8 Campaign is a great idea!...I did my part at home and I took a photo and sent it to them....You should take one too, because my motto is Love is for everyone!...We need to make a World Wide Change and it needs to happen now....not later....NOW!!!!

Because we can't wait our younger generations should not be forced to conform to something that they don't want....This is America land of the FREE and Freedom of Speech and the
NOH8 Campaign is expressing that right and I am proud to be supporting them!!!

So what are you waiting for??? Go to RIGHT NOW!!! And find out how you can help!!!

Remember everyone wins if we all pitch in! :)

Until next time....