Twilight Fantasy Tour 2009

So on December 5th 2009 I went to the Twilight Fantasy Tour :) It was my first Twilight tour that I have ever gone too....for some of you that don't know what Twilight is then there is something seriously wrong with you (please no offense I do not mean to be rude)

Twilight Saga is a book series that consists of 4 books. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn....The author is Stephenie Meyer....The books have recently become movies, Twilight came out last year and New Moon just came out in November of this year. Eclipse is set to be released on June 30, 2009 :) so excited....They have not gotten the "Green Light" for Breaking Dawn yet :(

So on December 5th when the Twilight Fantasy Tour was here in Ft. Lauderdale I got my tickets and I went....Let me tell you that it was so worth it!!! I didn't sleep for like 3 days I was too excited lol....And I was there at 4am and it didn't even open until 9am....Again I was just so excited....

I have to give a shout out to Tinsel Korey "Emily", Chaske Spencer "Sam Uley", Justin Chon "Eric", Daniel Cudmore "Felix", Gil Birmingham "Billy Black" and Tyson Houseman "Quil"! They are so NICE! The entire Twilight cast is AWESOME! :)

I got to get my picture taken with Chaske Spencer "Sam Uley" and I have to say that he is the nicest most sweetest person that I have ever met! He is such a doll and I got extremely shy too....When I got my photo taken with him I gave him a drawing that I made for him....

I was blushing so bad that I couldn't even look at him....I felt kinda bad because when the photo was done he said "Bye" and I couldn't even say bye back I was too shy and I really didn't want to trip....ahaha

The whole day was just amazing! I am so thankful that they even came to my area, because before they were either in Miami or Orlando and I wasn't able to go so a big shout out to everyone that made the Twilight Fantasy Tour even possible and trust me when I tell you that it was not easy because they had a lot of problems with the t

So big THANKS again to everyone involved and to the cast that came to the tour YOU GUYS ROCK! \m/ (-_-) \m/ PLEASE DON'T EVER CHANGE!

LOVE all of you!

Until next time....