Time flys....

Okay so WOW I totally spaced that I even had a Blog lol :) I was reading the other two posts that I have and man does that sound depressing or what??? Well things pretty much haven't changed....I'm sad to say that I am moving again....but things will look up! As a matter a fact they have! :)

So what has changed since 2007? A lot! I switched schools and majors....but I'm happy to say that I LOVE going to school for Culinary Management :) its so much fun! I mean who doesn't love to eat?!

So I'm two years older, a hell of a lot more wiser and even more random than I was before! So since I have moved to the Fabulous state of Florida I have gained some awesome new friend, found a book series that I absolutely LOVE, had some horrible relationships, I'm addicted to TWITTER!, I lost a close family friend, got 5 new tattoos, was unemployed for about 1 year and recently met my very first celebrity :) Oh and don't forget I wrote a book too.....Who would have thought me writing a book? Its only self-published and I'm still doing some editing on it....but I still wrote one :)

So now what??? Well I guess that I will create another post talking about some of the stuff that has changed my LIFE! So until next time.....